• "Energy and persistence conquer all things."

    Benjamin Franklin

  • "Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do."


  • "Persistence and resilience only come from having been given the chance to work through difficult problems."

    – Gever Tulley

  • "Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time."

    – Thomas A. Edison

Persistence at the NLCL

Our Commitment to Persistence

At the North Louisiana Crime Lab, persistence is a core value that defines our approach to work. We possess a steadfast tenacity to achieve the outcomes we expect, consistently meeting or exceeding our high standards, regardless of the challenges or opposition we face.

Why Persistence Matters

Persistence is vital in forensic science, where the complexity of analyses often requires a dogged determination to uncover the truth. Our commitment to persistence ensures that we do not falter in the face of difficulties, enabling us to provide accurate and dependable results that support justice and public safety.

Key Principles of Our Persistence

  • Tenacity in Problem-Solving: We approach each challenge with unwavering determination, never giving up until we have exhausted every possibility.

  • Maintaining High Standards: Our resolve helps us maintain the highest quality standards in all our work, despite external pressures or challenging circumstances.

  • Overcoming Opposition: We stand firm in our methodologies and findings, even when faced with skepticism or opposition, ensuring that our conclusions are robust and defendable.

How We Practice Persistence

At the NLCL, we foster an environment where persistence is both encouraged and rewarded. Training programs emphasize resilience and persistence in facing scientific and investigative challenges. Our team members are supported in their relentless pursuit of data integrity and procedural excellence, ensuring that every case is handled with meticulous attention to detail. We also encourage reflective practices that help us learn from past experiences, enhancing our ability to persist through future challenges.