DNA Section
The DNA section serves the 29 parishes within the North Louisiana Criminalistics Laboratory’s service area, and is responsible for administration of the Local Combined DNA Index System (CODIS). The section maintains accreditation to the Quality Assurance Standards supplied by the FBI https://www.fbi.gov/file-repository/quality-assurance-standards-for-forensic-dna-testing-laboratories.pdf/view.
All analysts are proficiency tested twice a year and receive eight hours of continuing education annually. The DNA section strives to provide the best and most comprehensive analysis for each case.
For DNA-Specific questions
Section Forms
DNA Evidence Submission Form
DNA Guidelines & Information
CODIS Response Form
Video Series - “Package This…”
DNA Supplemental Form
Package This Series: Cigarette Butts
Package This Series: Clothes
Collecting DNA Evidence from Bottles
Package This Series: Tools
Package This Series: Shoes
Package This Series: Gum
Package This Series: Labels
Package This Series: Sharps
Package This Series: Food
Package This Series: Bat
Deputy Director - DNA & Firearms Sections
Master of Business Administration - Louisiana State University - Shreveport (Shreveport, LA)
Master of Natural Science (Forensic Science) - Louisiana State University (Baton Rouge, LA)
Bachelor of Science (Biology) - Texas A&M (College Station, TX)
DNA Technical Leader
Doctor of Philosophy (Biomedical Sciences) - Washington University (St. Louis, MO)
Bachelor of Arts (Biochemistry) - Rice University (Houston, TX)
CODIS Manager
Master of Science (Forensic Science) - University of Alabama-Birmingham (Birmingham, AL)
Bachelor of Science (Chemistry) - Harding University (Searcy, AR)
Senior Forensic Scientist
Master of Science (Forensic Science) - University of Alabama - Birmingham (Birmingham, AL)
Bachelor of Science (Biology & Chemistry) - University of North Dakota (Grand Forks, ND)
Forensic Scientist III
Doctor of Philosophy (Microbiology & Immunology) - Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center (Shreveport, LA)
Bachelor of Science (Microbiology) - University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ)
Forensic Scientist I
Master of Science (Biology) - Alcorn State University (Lorman, MS)
Bachelor of Science (Biology) - Alcorn State University (Lorman, MS)
DNA Technician
Master of Science (Biological Sciences) - Louisiana State University - Shreveport (Shreveport, LA)
Master of Science (Psychology) - University of Louisiana - Monroe (Monroe, LA)
Bachelor of Science (Psychology) - Louisiana State University (Baton Rouge, LA)
DNA Technician
Bachelor of Science (Chemistry) - Louisiana Tech University (Ruston, LA)